Finding Love Is Hard

Finding love is hard. That’s why I will hold on to you no matter what happens. You brought so much joy and happiness to my life, I promise to make you just as happy each and every day. My love for you grows with every breath I take.

We All Make Mistakes

We all make mistakes. Some of them are bigger than others, but it doesn’t matter, because they all hurt. I understand that saying sorry will not change anything. But I promise that I will. I will change, because I want to be a better person for you.

The Way I Treat You

It’s so hard to say I’m sorry, because I understand that it won’t change anything. All I can do is change the way I treat you. I promise I’m trying harder than ever. For you, I will do everything I can.

Love For You

Love for you is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. God blessed me with this beautiful feeling, and I promise you to do everything to make it last forever. You mean the world to me.

Your Forgiveness

I don’t think that I deserve your forgiveness, but I will hate myself if don’t try at least. I know I messed up big time, but I love you more than anything in the world and I can’t imagine my life without you. I promise to make it up to you.

A Few Reasons

I know you will support me, never stop believing in me, never let me be sad, and always make me happy. Those are just a few reasons why I love you, and I promise I will never leave you.

I Still Wait For You

I still wait for you, when you are not waiting for me, I think of you, when you don’t think of me, and I promise I will always have a special place in my heart, even if you stopped loving me.

I May Not Be Perfect

I may not be perfect, but I’m sure I’m in love with you. I promise to stand by you forever, to be your best friend and lover.