I Made My Promise

I made my promise to you simply because I want you to realize how loyal I am to you.

I Appreciate You A Lot

It may seem impossible, but I want you to realize that I appreciate you a lot, my lady.

Most Of My Life

Why did it take me so long to realize that I've loved you for most of my life?

How Much You Truly Mean

I want you to know and to realize just how much you truly mean to me, and I hope you do feel that.

I Was Invisible

I made myself so lovable that it would be easy for you to love me, but I didn’t realize I was invisible in your eyes.

The Most Precious Thing In My Life

It took some time for me to realize that you are the most precious thing in my life. I used to not appreciate what you do for me, but now I understand that I was the biggest fool. I love you more than I can love anything or anyone.

Slowly Giving Up

I have cried a hundred times, right now, I am just sad. It makes me realize that I may be slowly giving up the slightest hope of being together again.

Not That Bad

When someone you care about tells you they don’t love you and it hurts, realizes that it is not that bad: learning that from someone else is.