My Prayer Partner

All the things that we do now are for our relationship to grow. I’m glad I have a partner who is so supportive. He is my prayer partner, my best friend, and my other half. I love him more than anyone.

Young Love

Young love sometimes ends up in parting ways. Why? Because it takes two mature people to build a strong foundation. If one lacks understanding of what real love is, it will end up in a failed relationship.

A Relationship Fails

It is sad when a relationship fails, but it is better to know it early on than later after marriage.

End A Relationship

I wish we never got here to end a relationship, but it is something that we must do for us both.

A Sad Relationship

You define a sad relationship when you are too busy for each other even to talk.

Even The Best Things

Even the best things in this life can fall apart as we are now at the end of a relationship.

To End A Relationship

I thought I had forgotten what it felt like to end a relationship, but it is still fresh now

Once In A Lifetime Woman

You were a once in a lifetime woman, but now we must say the end of the relationship for both of us.