The Same Wish

I fervently wish every night for you and I to end up together…it’s the same as wishing for the moon to shine on a bright and clear morning sky.

See The Stars

Look at the sky and see the stars spell out your name.

You Are The Brightest

The stars cannot even outshine you in my eyes because for me you are the brightest in the sky.

A Star Fell

If every time I thought of you, a star fell, Well, the sky would be empty.

Our Relationship Is Strong

Our relationship is very strong. It is something that is written on the sky and drawn into our destiny.

You Are My Heart

You are the rainbow in my sky, you are the sun in my life, you are the half that makes me whole, you are my heart and you are my soul.

Be My Star

If you be my star. I'll be your sky.

We Were Meant For Each Other

Staring at our photos together I know that we were meant for each other. You are like the sky and I am like the birds who need to keep flying to meet the ever large expanse of the skies.