The Road Of Life

The road of life is full of sharp and unexpected turns, and you never know for sure what is waiting for you there. I was so happy to discover a real treasure right behind the bend, and this treasure is you. I promise I will never trade or abandon you.

My World Lights Up

My world lights up when you are around. Your every step, your every move is something so graceful and beautiful. You are my most precious treasure, my biggest secret, my sweetest sin. You are the drug I’m addicted to. I love you endlessly.

The Best Thing That Could Happen

The best thing that could ever happen in my life is loving and being loved by you. You are more than a treasure and I would love to treasure you.

The Best Treasure A Man Can Find

A woman like you is the best treasure a man can find and I feel so unbelievably lucky to be able to call you my wife. I love you.

I Will Treasure

My love for you is beyond measure and until forever that I will treasure. I love you!

The Greatest Priceless Treasure

I have the greatest and most priceless treasure in the entire planet; it is called you.

My Greatest Treasure

I would like everyone to know how important you are to me because that’s what you really are my greatest treasure.

The Greatest Treasure

I would never exchange your love over any luxuries in life. Your love is the greatest treasure one could ever have.