When We Were In Love

When we were in loved, I felt like the world is bright for us, but when you chose to be out of love, you’ve painted the whole world differently.

In This World

In this world, you are one of those people who never fail to find a reason to keep me smiling.

You And Me As One

Look how far we’ve come! We met as two clueless individuals, groping our way into the world. We fell in love and overcame countless trials that tested our relationship. Then, finally, here we are, husband and wife – you and me as one. No matter what comes rolling our way, as long as we have each other, we’ll make it through no matter what.

Keep On Smiling

Today I shall do nothing but keep on smiling, for you are that person in this world for me.

Being Another Option

Stop being another option when the rest of the world wants to be a priority to someone now.

The Only One I Want

My love, my world, my everything. You are the only one I want. I want to be with you my entire life.

Whenever I Hear Your Name

It hurts whenever I hear your name because, at one point in my life, you meant the whole world to me.

Full Of Changes

In this world, full of changes nothing is certain. One thing that is not going to change is my love for you.