What I Did

I wish you would’ve told me you were done with me instead of ignoring me so I could’ve saved myself the waste of pacing my room at 2am trying to figure out what I did wrong.

Wrong Relationship

Be thankful for wrong relationships. They teach you, change you, strengthen you and prepare you for the right one.

Love The Right One

If you can love the wrong person that much. Imagine how much you love the right one.

In The End

I find it so much easier than ever to accept you but in the end all you did was wrong to me.

Make Her Happy

There is nothing wrong with trying to make your girlfriend happy so you might as well do.

The Wrong Person

Loving the wrong person hurts like nobody’s business.

My Heart Proves Me

I often think that my love for you couldn’t be any stronger, and when I do, my heart always proves me wrong by showing me it can.

Loving You Too Much

I guess loving you too much that I forget about myself are one of the wrong things I have done in my life. I should have love myself more than anything else in this world.