God Knows

I thank God for saving me from the kind of relationship we had. God knows you are not the right one for me.

We Better End It

We both know that it is not working anymore. We better end it up now or else it will make things worse between us.

The Same Mistake

I am wiser now than before. I promise I will never do the same mistake I have done with my past relationship. Break up taught me to be more wise and forgiving.

Stop Crying

I always found myself crying to sleep because of you. I hope it would stop because crying will never change our situation and it will never let you come back.

End Our Relationship

You are asking me to end not only our relationship but also everything else between us. I can’t believe how someone like you hurt me this much.

A Perfect Love Story For You

I hope you will never forget how much I love you. Our love story never ends up happily ever after but I know God is preparing a perfect love story for you.

Someone Better Than Me

I always pray that someday when we see each other again there will be no more bitterness in our heart. All I want is for you to be happy even if it is with someone else.

It Is Gods Will

Breakup means you need some time to know if it is God’s will or not. If you are for each other, then God will let you meet again.