Breaking My Bones

Breaking my bones would have been a better option for you than breaking my heart. At least a plaster cast would have healed the damage.

You Were My Life

The difference between you and me is that you wanted to be happy in life while I wanted us to be a happy couple because you were my life.

The Only Ones

The only ones to pity are the ones who have never had a heartbreaking end to their relationship. Tough times lay ahead of the inexperienced.

The End Of A Relationship

Crying over the end of a toxic relationship is like crying after being cured of cancer.

Like A Broken Mirror

Our relationship is like a broken mirror – you can stick it back but the cracks will always show.

Starting Over

Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.

A Broken Illusion

Always remember, there is no such thing as a broken heart. Only a broken illusion.

A Bad Break Up

A bad breakup is a wound mending itself. A bad relationship is a growing injury.