Own Little Place

"Everybody wants their own little place in the world and maybe mine is here... Loving you from a distance."-Ranata Suzuki-

The Memories Of You

"Sometimes I don't know what haunts me more... The memories of you... or the happy person I used to be". -Ranata Suzuki-

You Loved Him Enough

"You loved him enough to let him leave... Now you need to love yourself to let him go."

We are Incomplete

"We are incomplete like a book in two volumes of which the first has been lost, when love is gone."

You Really Love Someone

You know you really love someone when you can't hate them for breaking your heart.

It’s Not Worth Breaking Up

If it's not worth breaking up over then it's not worth arguing over. If you're arguing every other day, you're not in a relationship, you're on a debate team. Not every concern needs to be an issue. Let the insignificant things stay that way. -Tony Gaskins Jr-

Already Breaking

Waking up to find your heart already breaking feels like the whole day's over before it's even begun.

Have It Halfway

"I don't know why we all hang on to something we know we're better off letting go of. It's like we're scared to lose what we don't even really have. Some of us say we'd rather have something than absolutely nothing, but the truth is, to have it halfway is harder than not having it at all." -Meredith Grey-