Keeps Us Alive

Life does not accommodate you, it shatters you. Love is mean, but it’s good. It keeps us alive.

The Person Who Had Your Heart

No matter how hard you tried, you could never forget the person who had your heart.

We Are All Broken

We are all so broken. Pick up a person, shake them around and you'll hear the rattling of their broken pieces. Pieces our fathers broke, or our mothers, or our friends, strangers, or our loves.

The Hardest Thing

Sometimes letting go is the hardest thing imaginable, yet holding on is even harder.

A Relationship

Never put off repairing a relationship you value. If sorry needs to be said say it now. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to any of us.

The Right Thing

The right thing and the easy thing are never the same.

Never Unlock Your Heart

Never unlock your heart to someone who has to bend the key to make it fit.

Those I Like

I have learned that to be with those I like is enough.