It's hard to see the person that you love, loving someone else.

Always Pretending

I am broken without you next to me. I feel empty. My heart feel's nothing but sadness. You were my first love and you left me. Now that you've gone I am left in the dark. You left me knowing I would end up like this. Thank you for never caring and always pretending.

I'm not the right person for you to love. I'm the one who would give you pain. Rather, give your heart to someone who deserves it.

You And Me

There's no more we, now it is just you and me.

A Reason To Walk Away

If you've found a reason to walk away, never look back... Just keep walking. It's better to get lost moving forward than to get stuck looking back.

I’ll Be Fine Without You

No matter how hard it is, I'll be fine without you.

I have loved and hurt so many times, but I cannot give up on love.

I've been loving you for so long, I need to know if you love me or not. If you don't love me, please don't confuse me anymore. I don't want to be hurt or cry. I've had enough of that in my life.