I Feel You Care

Do you know how much I look forward to each of your text messages because I feel you care?

Hear Your Voice

Every minute of the day, I want to call you just so I can finally hear your voice that I love.

Until You Came

I have never believed in love until you came into my life and showed me what real love is.

I Fell In Love

Maybe it was the way you said my name and how I loved to hear it over and over again that I fell in love with you.

Felt So Right

Nothing else has ever felt so right more than the time you showed me how amazing love is.

The Flaws

When you kiss, you get as close to each other as possible. It is when you are that close that both of you are not able to see the flaws of each other.

Live Beside You

If I could live beside you, I would for as long as it is possible, even if that takes forever.

A Kiss Completes The Love

A kiss completes the love between two persons. It is just like the finishing dot on the ‘I’ of the word ‘loving’. A secret known only to both lovers, known by their mouths instead of their ears.