The Right Man

Stop chasing for love because patience is also a key for it, so just wait for the right man.

Accept And Love

It is amazing how love brought two different people together. Despite their differences, they still manage to accept and love each other.

Pure And True

The best kind of love in the world is that which is pure and true, with no strings attached.

A Part Of Your Now

All I want is to be a part of your now and your future, I will accept the past if you accept me.

Before I Met You

I have never felt love before I met you and now I do not know what to do without you here.

It Will Survive

Love will defy all odds if it is true, it will withstand all the test and it will survive it for sure.

I Will Accept You

Loving you means that I will accept you for who you are, for everything that you are, love.

Someone’s Smile

When someone’s smile warms your heart, it may be because that you love that person.