Looking For Perfect Lover

We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

I Fell In Love

I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.

Searching For The Missing Pieces

Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who's in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It's like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven't seen in a long time.

A Man You Cant Breath Without

One day you will kiss a man you can't breathe without, and find that breath is of little consequence.

Love Is Affectionate Feeling

Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.

Love At First Sight

It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.

A Curious Thought

It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.

A Womans Heart

A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.