Breathe And Move On

Forgive, let go, trust, breathe and move on.

Let Go And Forgive

Let go and forgive yourself. These are the first steps towards healing. It is not easy, I know. But you will eventually get there.

You Deserve Peace

Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.

Records Of Wrong

Love enables us to forgive. No matter how big the sin he has for you, if you love that person you will choose to forgive. Why? Because real love doesn’t keep records of wrong.

Being Ready In Love

Being ready in love means being able to do things that you usually do not do, being able to get hurt, and most especially being able to forgive.

Forgive Not Forget

Closure is for sure the only way to forgive but not to forget.

Your Future Happiness

Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears nurture the seeds of your future happiness.

Accept And Forgive

The only way to move on is to accept and forgive.