Just Smile

Forgive the person who has hurt you. Just smile and thank him for giving you the opportunity to find someone better.

Hard To Love

You made me feel like I was hard to love and I will never forgive you for that.

Move On Without Them

You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them, but still move on without them.

Always Come Back To You

Even if I’m mad at you, I’ll eventually forgive you. I’ll always come back to you and tell you it’s alright. I’d rather make up and move on than argue.

To Find True Love

If you want to find true love, you should be able not only forgive, but also forget.

To Feel Again

You have to forgive to forget, and forget, to feel again.

Never Go To Sleep Angry

Never go to sleep angry. You never know if you or the person you're mad at will wake up the next morning. Always forgive because you never know if you'll talk to them again. Things happen. Get over it. Always forgive. You may not forget but its better than knowing you'll never get to say sorry or I love you again.

To Keep A Relationship Working

15 Ways To Keep A Relationship Working. 1. Love each other 2. Don't lie 3. Keep communication open 4. Stay sweet 5. When you get hurt just forgive and forget 6. Never talk about break-ups 7. Never say it's okay even when it's not 8. Forget about "pride" 9. If you say sorry mean it 10. Don't compare your past with your present 11. Don't talk about your stupid ex's 12. Give and take process 13. Beware of his/her feelings 14. When you had a fight, don't let the day pass 15. Don't be the perfect one, be the right one.