So Much Has Changed

It’s sad to realize that you are missing someone they can never be again because so much has changed.

I Just Think Of You

When I am sad, I just think of you, and suddenly everything turns to be fine again.

Just Feel Really Empty

That feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.

Sad And Lonely

I was sad and lonely but you came and make me forget how it is to be alone.

My Life Became Better

I was sad when you broke up with me. Now that I think of it, my life became better and I am now happy.

The Smallest Hope

I have cried a hundred times, right now, I am just sad. Makes me realize that I may be slowly giving up the smallest hope of being together again.

Some Good Things

Some good things are meant to be with us only as memories. We want to be happy or sad with it, the decision should be better left to us.

The Sad Truth

The sad truth is that lying, even just once would destroy everything you worked hard for.