Always Stay Happy

I don’t know why but I’m the happiest person when you smile and I get very upset when you are sad. I want to remind you that you matter to me. So always stay happy.

Everything You Do

Everything you do is a source of joy for me. I can never be sad when I’m around you.

It Feels Sad

There are times when it feels sad not to be able to hold you in my arms, I miss you.

You Were Sad

For all the seconds you were sad, you could have been happy being in love with someone.

Hold Me Tight

You hold me tight when I am feeling down and cheer me up when I am sad, thank you for that.

Pain In My Broken Heart

Sad music isn’t sad enough to capture the pain in my broken heart.

Did I Hurt You

Did I hurt you and make you sad or am I the best thing you’ve ever had?

Sad And Heartbroken

I feel so sad and heartbroken, I feel like my heart was ripped in half.