Not Everyone

Not everyone will understand what I feel for you. It doesn’t matter as long as you know my feelings towards you. I’m happy.

Reason For Everything

There is a reason for everything.. Reasons to give.. Reasons to live.. Reasons to love.. If you cannot find the reason to be happy, I'm right here!

An Ideal Boyfriend

An ideal boyfriend is not based on his looks, it's in his desire to make you happy.

Not Bad To Be A Selfish

It's not really bad to be a selfish, there are just things that should not be shared.

We Cannot Avoid

Sometimes when we love we cannot avoid being insecure. You cannot avoid being jealous, and afraid that they'll realize that there is someone else who is better than you and leave. Sometimes you just need to trust the person you love. Trust in his love for you.


Understanding is important in a relationship. If you do, you don’t have to shout, you don’t have to argue you don’t have cry.. You’ll know and understand.

Secret Love

Everyday I see you I feel so much joy. Every time you walk closer it feels like I’m melting with happiness. I don’t know why I love you or how you captured my heart. What will I do so you notice me? How should I tell you that I have a secret love for you?

Right And Wrong Advice In Love

There is no right and wrong advice in love, it depends on what your heart and mind tells you, not what others tell you.