Forget What Hurt You

Forget what hurt you in the past, but never forget what it taught you.

The Power To Hurt You

Words don’t have the power to hurt you, unless that person meant more to you than you are willing to confess.

A Greater Purpose

Sometimes you can be touched by God, but not healed. Often when this happens, he is using your pain for a greater purpose.

Love Is Blind

When the person you love can't see your love for them beneath the painful things you say when they reject you, remember this, Love is blind.

The Only Real Battle In Life

The only real battle in life is between hanging on and letting go.

If You Have To

If you have to convince someone to stay with you, then they have already left.

Love And Hate

Somewhere between love and hate lies confusion, misunderstanding and desperate hope.

Your Eyes And Heart

Often the truth is in front of your face, but your eyes and heart are so full of lies that you can't see it.