Be Wise And Be In love

You can never be wise and be in love at the same time.

In My Dreams

I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours.

The Road Will Be Hard

At times, the road will be hard, the days will be long, and the journey you’ve traveled won’t feel like a song. But know that I’ll always love you and with love, all is certain.

Perfect Love

Perfect love was that kind of love that made no sense but made everything else make sense somehow. It was raw and unscripted, turbulent and slightly unpredictable.

You Can Create

You can create anything that makes you happy.

My Love Of Loves

You are my love of loves, my dream of dreams, my hope of hopes...and I would take the journey all over again because it led me to you, because it’s our story–the story of us.

Every Passing Day

More than every once in awhile. More than most dreams. More than just my heart. More than anything. More than you know. And more than I can say, I’ve loved you more every passing day.

I Loved You Too Much

I loved you too much to lose you twice.