The Man I Expected To Be

You are not the man I expected you to be. We can’t be together anymore.

I Hate Myself

I loved you the most, and even after all the pain you’ve given me, I’m ashamed to say I still love you, but the more I love you, the more I hate myself. I hate myself for becoming the person I am in order to become the person you want me to be. I’m losing myself as I spend more time with you. I deserve better and that’s why I can’t be with you anymore.

The Memories Of Us

I may forget your face someday. May even fail to remember your name. But my I could never remove the memories of us from my mind!

Your Happiness

You only cared about your happiness and never thought about my feelings. This can’t go on. Goodbye!

A Heart In You

You are just as much fake as your make-ups are. I hope someday you’ll grow a heart in you and then you’ll know how it feels to be cheated!

All These Times

All the time you kept talking about true love, trust, and loyalty. How ironic is that all these times, even you didn’t know what these words mean!

I Gave You My Heart

I gave you my heart, but all you did was break it. Let’s break up.

Free From Each Other

I’m tired of dealing with your tantrums and drama. It is really impossible for me to bear with it anymore. I’m sorry but we really need to break up and be free from each other.